Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Getting Started: Rainchecks

One way to extend a sale beyond the date that it ends is to get a raincheck for the items that you want to purchase.  A lot of stores offer rainchecks if they are out of stock on items that are on sale.  I know for sure that Walgreens and Jewel issue rainchecks.  When asking for a raincheck, you usually have to specify a certain number of that particular item that you want and I recommend always bumping up that number by a few more. You don't have to buy as many as are on the raincheck, it's just nice to have the extras to work with.   If you have really great coupons, you may be able to get more of that coupon by the time the store has the item back in stock, then you can get more at the sale price with the coupons.  You don't have to purchase the items at the same store that issued the raincheck, so if you happen to go to a different Walgreens store and find the item on the shelf, you can use it there.  Keep in mind though, if the sale involves some sort of Register Reward or Catalina deal, if you purchase them after the end date of the RR or Catalina they won't print.  You only get to take advantage of the RR's or Catalinas during the sale, stores can't make the machines print certain coupons or issue them manually. 

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