Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Helping our Armed Services Personnel with coupons

If you are like me, you end up with a lot of extra coupons and a lot of expired coupons.  There is no way I could possibly use all these coupons that I aquire!  Why not put those extras and expired coupons to a great use.  Our Armed Services Personnel overseas can use those extras and expireds.  On the bases overseas they can use coupons that are expired for 6 months beyond their expiry date.  I was able to find a couple sites that outline how to go about sending your coupons to our military families so they can use them.  Here, here and here is some useful information on how to get those coupons to families who genuinely appreciate it.  Since military bases overseas are considered US territory, the US postal rates apply so the cost is minimal.  Just remember that it could take a couple weeks for your mail to arrive so be sure to be timely in sending out those coupons as soon as you can after they expire.

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