Thursday, April 7, 2011

Logli 10 for $10 Mix & Match thru 4/12

My frugal friend Natalie found some great deals over at Logli this week.  They are running a 10 for $10 sale on lots of items with coupons to match to.  Logli, a Schuncks affiliated store, doubles coupons up to .55 each.  Natalie reports that you don't actually have to purchase 10 items to get the discount.  Here's what she found:

Pillsbury Sweet Rolls or Grands -  the .30 & .40 (on 2) printables here makes these .60 to .70 a package

Green Giant Fresh Steamers - .50 on 2 from here,  makes these .50 a pack

Yoplait Greek Yogurt - .35 printable here , doubles to .70 making these .30 each

Suddenly Salad  - .50 on 2 here makes these .50 a box

Heluva Good Dip  - .75 from the 2/27 SS insert makes these .25 each

Chiquita Bites  - .55 from the 2/27 SS insert, makes these FREE and possible overage with doubled coupon

Act II Popcorn  - .50 off from the 2/27 SS insert, FREE with doubled coupon

My frugal pal Nicole also pointed out that the Trans Ocean Crab Classics are also part of the 10 for $10.  Check your coupon binders because there have been tearpads out for .55 off one.  This would double and these would be FREE with possible overage.  Keep your eyes open at the store, you just might find the tearpads right in front of the product! 

A couple other things I noticed from the ad, iceberg lettuce and Fresh Express cole slaw are also part of this sale.  If you picked up any of the produce wine tags I mentioned here then these would be .50 each (WT is $1.00 off any $2 or more produce purchase, so make sure to get two).  Might be worth a wander through the liquor department before you shop.

You can find the weekly sale ad here.

Thanks, Natalie and Nicole for sharing your finds!

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