Friday, March 18, 2011

Walmart Coupon Policy Revised

Walmart revised their coupon policy AGAIN to specifically exclude OYNO Catalina coupons as of 3/16. I guess that puts the speculation as to if they should be taking them to rest. Everything else is pretty much the same, no other major changes. You can get the Walmart coupon policy to clicking on the link on the side bar under "Store Policies". There is a regular version and a print friendly . pdf version.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. I felt bad for a moment after reading this. But then I realized they were working off the same policy as me. If they had had the updated policy, this could have saved us all time, wondering, and headaches. I feel like I need to take Monty the new policy tomorrow so he knows about it and we can end his grief too!

  2. You could always just give him a call Tara, I think he would remember you. Just tell him that you didn't know there was a new policy in the works, they didn't even know when you called corporate! WM just never seems to have it together for such a big corporation.

  3. I did call this morning. They got it yesterday from corporate. They aren't going to enforce it until Monday because they feel there are too many descrepancies and another revision may come out soon.
