Friday, June 11, 2010


I try to keep my posts on this blog related to saving money and great deals.  Today I didn't get a great deal on strawberries.  They were $1.50 per pound and we had to pick them ourselves.  Not much value there since the strawberries were on the small side. 

Sometimes, it's not about what you are paying money for, but the experience that goes along with it.  This is the first time our son, Dylan, went strawberry picking and we went with our good friends Beth, Camille, Jonas and Jonathan.  We had lots of fun! 

Even though it was overcast and 101% humidity, even though we had to pick the strawberries ourselves and endure the prickly weeds (Dylan calls them "bad guys"), and even though it started sprinkling on us, this experience was priceless to me.  I would have paid $5.00 a pound for it!

U Pick Strawberries = $5.88
Strawberry Picking with Great Friends = $Priceless!

The experience didn't stop when we left Susie's Garden Patch, Dylan and I are going to make strawberry freezer jam with our harvest.  We will share this together and make this an even richer experience than it started out to be.

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